About Me!

My photo
Berkeley, California, United States
"I think he's some kind of weirdo!"

Thursday, November 19, 2009


If you're reading this you should go here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Transypoo/156298516926

It's where I'm doing the same thing, but more better!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Wow.. I'm like the worst blogger ever!

I only update once every month!

Well, to be fair I don't ever think about it... I really should... I need to use this thing! YEAH!

So, the three of you who read it can be entertained... whatever. I'm not doing this for you, it's to entertain ME! AND THAT'S THE IMPORTANT THING! *flag background*

I will say this, I have a head ache! Earlier there was a blur pattern on the extreme left side of my field of vision. It's gone now, but now my head is all full of pain... maybe I've been on the computer too long... but I've spent all day coloring... so I dunno...

Anyways, off to do something else... I post something better soon!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Richard Karn likes Transypoo!!!

Well at least the one page...

So, here's what happened!

I thought it would be kind of cool to actually message Mr. Karn and tell him that I put him in my comic. So, I found him on Facebook and sent a friend request with a message saying as much. I wasn't expecting anything, really. I was expecting to be ignored. But then he friends me and send me a message saying the following:

That sounds cool. I will have to check it out sometime

And then he sends me a message saying: Haha that's funny! I literally laughed out loud at the third panel. Keep it up!!

So, I'm kinda geeking out right now! Okay, I'm totally geeking out!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Transypoo Timeline.

So, there's bee a lot of backing and forthing in Transypoo lately, and I was thinking it would be good for you (and me) to have a version of the story in chronological order so, prepare for a list of links, and enjoy TRANSYPOO IN ORDER OF EVENTS! (I guess with commentary! Yay!)

No, no I'm kidding, only the parts in the new story... heh heh! ^_^

So, you may not have noticed it, but the story really starts here:

Soda (Notice Transypoo's neck sparking.)
Matterhorn (I love this joke, it's something I thought of on the drive to Disneyland, just seemed like such a Transypoo thing to come up with, and yet, Acey seems to be totally into the same thought process.)
Pirates (I really hate this series of jokes, direct parody just isn't my thing... just didn't feel right at all to have them commenting on something... I got lost in this series.)
Rubber Hose (Again, got lost, but I do like them in rubber hose style... I guess that makes up for it... but still... First "Chicken!")
Golden Girls (I can actually do this this where I can say 'chicken' really fast so, yeah.)
Acey meet Amy (I really like 'Teen Angst Amy')
Obvious (Originally, I had thought what he's saying made sense... but I tried it and it's all backwards... but it still works.)
Princess Snuggle Pants (Yay Brandi! Actually I had originally planed to introduce her as an adult, but, this felt natural, so I went with it.)
The Great Escape ( I may bring that moose back some day... you watch me, I will!)
Mothmandib (I wish I had had more opportunity to use the dry erase board... oh well.)
Found (The beginning of the split page sequence, I love how this came out... also, look Moth, doesn't have his tie yet!)
In Coming! (And the two stories combine in the last panel, the two before are a triptych.
Run! (I love bashing down doors.)
Meanwhile... (So, here's the first one put back in sequence.)
No Galactica for Old Dogs (This is by far one of the best titles I'v come up with... also, look it's Mario! When I wrote this I hadn't gotten to season three yet, and didn't know there was a dog... so imagine my surprise!)
Of Lost and Types (I love the passing car!)
Nobody Likes Mr. Jay (Now with tie action! I guess he puts on a tie when talking to the boss.)
Mr. Magirus (So, yes, this is a dream sequence.)
The Room (The beginning of the 'THE' series. This one still creeps me out.)
Acey's Room of Awesome (Yes my room does look like this... only more so. Oh, and Transypoo's warning her to watch the road!)
Tour et Fell (The back of the house doesn't normally look like that, it's supposed to look like a French house, because Transypoo's telling the story in French.)
Bam! (See? She needs to watch the road... if you've been wondering what they hit... it was Viral.
Komban Wa (This means "Good Evening")
Sayonara (Hey, kids, seems familiar, don't it?)
His name is Richard Karn (Richard Karn, played Al Borland on the TV show 'Home Improvement' or which I'm a big fan!)
The fool, does not call to those at all! (What he's saying is more like 'Idiot, tell them nothing' translated word for word, but through a computer translator we get the title! Wee!)
Adama was a Bulldog (he was a very good friend of mine...)

And there, you're all caught up! It should be linear from now on. Thanks for reading and I hope you've enjoyed my comic! I know I do! ^____^

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dude, check this out!

So, today when I checked my Transypoo email (acey@transypoo.com) I noticed an email that wasn't a bot joining my forum The Playhouse. It was an email from Ilya Chentsov who is, apparently, the senior editor of a Russian gaming magazine.

Here's the Email:

Hello Adrien. I am a senior editor in Russian gaming magazine "Страна Игр" (Game Land). Recently we started a column on webcomics in our mag. I thought we can write about Transypoo, and I'm asking if we can use a single strip to illustrate the article.

Best regards,
Ilya Chentsov.

So I responded with a "YES." I looked into it too (by that I mean I did a google search) and I found that indeed "Game Land" is real. Well, I'm still going to keep the sensors open to check for scammage.
In other news, my G.I. Joe fan comic might end up on this site http://gijoe-comic.tripod.com/ which is slightly less exciting, but still cool. Apparently I'm getting popular?

Also, I apologize for there not being a comic last week, I was terribly busy, then my cousin was visiting, and well, I was distracted, so, sorry, I already finished this Sunday's comic, and I'm gunna start on next weeks as soon as I can. (Probably tonight.)

What else can I talk about. OH!

Last week I made purchase of the Japanese Reissue of Sky Lynx! When I has an old beat up Sky Lynx from child hood, that has a bit of a story to it. You see, I had this friend (don't remember his name, David maybe?) But I use to go to his house some times... quite often really, but any ways he had the pterosaur part of Sky Lynx (Sky?) and I use to play with it every time I went over, I though it was just made of awesome! I mean a space shuttle that turned into a dinosaur? (Ok, the pterosaurs are true 'dinosaurs' but you get the idea!) sO one day I asked if I could borrow the Dino-shuttle, and I kind of remember him protesting a little but I insisted and he let me borrow it. Then for some reason... I never saw him again! Unintentional stealing of a toy! Oh my! If you're reading this, my old friend, I'm sorry! You can have it back! It's in almost as good condition! Well, as time went along, I got into Transformers in the big way that I am into it today, and at, I think it was my first Botcon (Transformers convention) I gotthe lower half of Sky Lynx, but it was in terrible shape, it could roll, but walking was right out seeing as how almost all the attachment points were broken!

So, now I got a new one, and is it ever SHINY! Woo! Even though it covered some detailing, I just HAD to put the stickers on it to make up for mine not having any! So now Sky Lynx is PERFECT! (He'd love that) They painted the inside of his mouth this time 'round and even the little tiny lines across the windshield to make them more acurate to real shuttles... but he's got giant Autobot symbols on his wings... oh never mind. Like Transformers were EVER very good as being in disguise. This new 'dactyl can hold his head up and all the things that are supposed to lock into place do just that, plus, Lynx can WALK! I have yet to let him walk across the entire dinning room, but he will someday!Alright that's all for now, see yah, next time!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Nothing to see here, move along...

Oopsie! Sorry folks, there's no Transypoo this week! I've been really busy! I'm told that I'm not the first webcomic to miss a week. (or a day or what have you) This is certainly a first for me... I've got a pretty good track record going, really. The only other goof was when I back tracked during the whole Time Travel story early on where I had to take a page down and rework the direction of the story.

On the other hand I did get a chance to go see UP! 

"What? You went to see a movie instead of working on your comic?!?"

Yes, yes I did. But I did that yesterday (Saturday) and I  try not to work on Transypoo on the weekends because it's the week end! So, like I was saying, I saw UP. It was fantastic!  It goes between really sad in side-splittingly funny! Well, heck it's got a talking dog in it! But really, the three jokes you see in the previews, are not the funniest, and they are much more funny in context. (As you would expect!)

Anyways, yeah, there's no Transypoo this week, but I'm gunna work my hardest to not have this happen again.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Inside the 'poo: The Making of Transypoo

I bet you've all been wondering how Transypoo is made. Let me assure you it's a complex and arduous process! It can, most simply, be broken down into a four-step process. 


Step 1: Wrighting Writing!

The writing process begins with a brainstorm session with all the staff writers, usually at 'The Big Table.' We toss around some ideas and finally after much arguing our Director and head writer comes in and finalizes the direction the story will take. Then we divide the pages amongst our writers/board artists and they write two pages with our special "Transypoo Page" writing/story board sheets.    

A lot of the time there are doodles on these pages, we do not discourage these doodles because they keep morale up and at times make for good office jokes. (If not future story ideas ha ha!) In this image we can see Transypoo pages # 121 & 120 as you can see, they were written out of order. This happens from time to time when we decide that one comic would work better if it came in sooner or later. For instance, in this case they were switched to build drama.

Step 2: Pencils!

Once the comics have been written and boarded they go passed our director's desk for final approval. He may make a few changes, redraw the comic, or at

times completely scrap an idea. Once passed his desk the scripts are whisked off to Korea where it is penciled by a highly skilled team over there. After a few days we are sent scans of the pencils, for approval by the art director. At this point he may make tweaks to the art and blocks in the letters and speech balloon shapes.

Here you can see the changes made to Jo's hand and arms, and Amy's shoulder, we work hard to keep these characters on model. Every so often dialogue is changed at this stage, there might not be enough room, or too much, and sometimes a background is thrown up at the last second.

Step 3: Inks!

After the pencils are sent back, our Korean team inks the comics. Recently we found it was cheaper and faster to fill in the black areas in the coloring process, so now we have our team just put an 'X' in the black areas. There's not much we can do when the inks come back, we can erase a line here or there, but we can't make too many changes now, it's all or nothing. Very rarely do we send something back to be re-inked. 

As you can see the speech balloons are empty. For a long time we had an inking team do the letters, but their lettering style was hit or miss, and was frequently fraught with spelling errors which were a pain to fix, and at times we just let them slid on a deadline. Now we have a local team do the letters digitally.

Step four: COLORS!

We have our colors done by a small in-house team. They are broken up into two divisions, basic colors/color selection and effects coloring. With all the sci-fi action in Transypoo we require a lot of glowing effects, they have also taken on the task of adding tone to the characters and not just the backgrounds. They work quickly and can color a page a day. Coupled that with our Lettering team and the comic is finished!

I hope you've enjoyed this look inside the making of Transypoo! Please continue to read/enjoy our comic, there's lots of exciting stuff coming up! Thanks for reading! 

Thursday, April 30, 2009

You know what I hate?

You know what I hate? When big ol' monsters in movies give up a perfect meal to go after the tiny human. I mention this because last night LOST had a preview of the up coming Star Trek movie by J. J. Abrams which featured the young Captain Kirk being chased by a yeti looking thing, which is all well and good, Kirk is chased by all kinds of things. But then this awesome giant red monster thing (That looks a little like Clover) bursts out of the ice and grabs the yeti and chucks it against an ice-wall. Now, logic would dictate that if you're a hungry alien, you should go after the thing you just killed. BUT NO! It goes after the tiny human morsel! Barely bite sized! And keeps chasing the tiny human off a cliff!

Wait, wait. Okay, I know movies need drama, and monsters chasing humans is scary, and if the monster suddenly gets BIGGER, well, that just up the anti. But come on! An animal is not going to go after a smaller thing when it's already killed a bigger thing!

Example time! Imagine you have a turkey dinner in font of you, with everything that that implies. (If you don't like turkey dinners, then imagine your favorite meal.) Now suddenly you notice a Microwave Cheese Burger in the next room. But there's a sign in the room saying "If you leave this room the door will lock. So, do you abandon your feast to go after the cheese burger that in all likely hood is still frozen in the center? No! Why would you! It'd be like going up to a house on Halloween and when they give you a king sized bar saying, no thank you I'd prefer a 'fun' sized bar!

It's just stupid! Jurassic Park Three, group of humans come upon a T-rex eating a dead triceratops with plenty of meat left on it. It roars at them. "Hey you scavengers, I killed this, it's mine." But that's not what its apparently saying, it's really saying "WOW HUMANS! THAT'S SO MUCH MORE FILLING!" And it runs after the tiny creatures only to get into a fight with a Spinosaurus and get killed... yeah... by a fish eating creature.

King Kong (the new one) Three, count them THREE, "V-rexes" are chasing after a tiny blond woman. One of them just ate half a giant crocodile thing and abandoned the other half. It should be full, if it's not it could eat the rest of the Crocodile... but what does it do? Go after the tiny human. Now when we get to the part of the movie where the three "V-rexes" are trying to kill her she's spending most of the chase in the paw of a twenty foot tall gorilla. Hey, V-rexes, you see the giant mammal? If you work together I'm sure you can kill it and eat it and get some of your calories back! Heck at one point the V-rexes are swinging by vines and are not at all concerned with their own danger they're still after the tiny woman.

You don't see Godzilla trying to eat people do you? Okay, in Jurassic Park (the first one) The T-rex is chasing after humans, but all its had to eat for a while is goats, so its hungry and 'oh look, food!' But as soon as its given the chance it goes after Galamimuses and ignores the humans, even at he end when it comes to the rescue its more concerned with the raptors than the humans.

Seriously, Hollywood, give the predators a chance to be predators! Maybe if the human were covered in blood from and earlier fight, it might instill the bloodlust in the creature and set it into a feeding frenzy. But as it, most animals if given the chance ignore humans, and go after better prey. Heck, sharks spit us out! SHARKS! They'll eat anything!

Well, that's my rant for today. Have a good one!
Edit: I just thought of something! In Star Wars Episode 1, when Qui Gon Jinn, Obi Wan and Jar Jar are escaping in that sub they're being chased by that rockfish thing, right? And then it gets eaten by the "bigger fish." That’s how it’s DONE! The bigger creature eats the threat and ignores the tiny humans. Then when that eel thing with the claws comes along our heroes are nearly eaten by the sea monster only for the monster to then eat the eel thing, allowing our heroes to live. Danger, monster, and monsters going for the better meal!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blogged to Death!

Hi, folks!

Well, here I am, blogging. (Ew.) But what can I say? Every one's doing it! 

"If Milhouse jumped off a bridge, would you?" 
"Milhouse jumped off a bridge? I'm there!"

But seriously, I just thought it would be nice to have a place to post things where... certain people... wouldn't be able to interrupt. (I'M LOOKIN' AT YOU SKIDS!) 

So, here I'll probably post about the inner-workings of my webcomic Transypoo, including maybe character art:
Or what have you. I also wanted to review all the Godzilla movies I own and, heck, while I'm at it, I could review just about anything, couldn't I? Yeeesss... ahh, such bloggy powers! Such bloggy powers indeed!