About Me!

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Berkeley, California, United States
"I think he's some kind of weirdo!"

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Richard Karn likes Transypoo!!!

Well at least the one page...

So, here's what happened!

I thought it would be kind of cool to actually message Mr. Karn and tell him that I put him in my comic. So, I found him on Facebook and sent a friend request with a message saying as much. I wasn't expecting anything, really. I was expecting to be ignored. But then he friends me and send me a message saying the following:

That sounds cool. I will have to check it out sometime

And then he sends me a message saying: Haha that's funny! I literally laughed out loud at the third panel. Keep it up!!

So, I'm kinda geeking out right now! Okay, I'm totally geeking out!