Wait, wait. Okay, I know movies need drama, and monsters chasing humans is scary, and if the monster suddenly gets BIGGER, well, that just up the anti. But come on! An animal is not going to go after a smaller thing when it's already killed a bigger thing!
Example time! Imagine you have a turkey dinner in font of you, with everything that that implies. (If you don't like turkey dinners, then imagine your favorite meal.) Now suddenly you notice a Microwave Cheese Burger in the next room. But there's a sign in the room saying "If you leave this room the door will lock. So, do you abandon your feast to go after the cheese burger that in all likely hood is still frozen in the center? No! Why would you! It'd be like going up to a house on Halloween and when they give you a king sized bar saying, no thank you I'd prefer a 'fun' sized bar!
It's just stupid! Jurassic Park Three, group of humans come upon a T-rex eating a dead triceratops with plenty of meat left on it. It roars at them. "Hey you scavengers, I killed this, it's mine." But that's not what its apparently saying, it's really saying "WOW HUMANS! THAT'S SO MUCH MORE FILLING!" And it runs after the tiny creatures only to get into a fight with a Spinosaurus and get killed... yeah... by a fish eating creature.
King Kong (the new one) Three, count them THREE, "V-rexes" are chasing after a tiny blond woman. One of them just ate half a giant crocodile thing and abandoned the other half. It should be full, if it's not it could eat the rest of the Crocodile... but what does it do? Go after the tiny human. Now when we get to the part of the movie where the three "V-rexes" are trying to kill her she's spending most of the chase in the paw of a twenty foot tall gorilla. Hey, V-rexes, you see the giant mammal? If you work together I'm sure you can kill it and eat it and get some of your calories back! Heck at one point the V-rexes are swinging by vines and are not at all concerned with their own danger they're still after the tiny woman.
You don't see Godzilla trying to eat people do you? Okay, in Jurassic Park (the first one) The T-rex is chasing after humans, but all its had to eat for a while is goats, so its hungry and 'oh look, food!' But as soon as its given the chance it goes after Galamimuses and ignores the humans, even at he end when it comes to the rescue its more concerned with the raptors than the humans.
Seriously, Hollywood, give the predators a chance to be predators! Maybe if the human were covered in blood from and earlier fight, it might instill the bloodlust in the creature and set it into a feeding frenzy. But as it, most animals if given the chance ignore humans, and go after better prey. Heck, sharks spit us out! SHARKS! They'll eat anything!
Well, that's my rant for today. Have a good one!
Edit: I just thought of something! In Star Wars Episode 1, when Qui Gon Jinn, Obi Wan and Jar Jar are escaping in that sub they're being chased by that rockfish thing, right? And then it gets eaten by the "bigger fish." That’s how it’s DONE! The bigger creature eats the threat and ignores the tiny humans. Then when that eel thing with the claws comes along our heroes are nearly eaten by the sea monster only for the monster to then eat the eel thing, allowing our heroes to live. Danger, monster, and monsters going for the better meal!